3 Results for Author / Collaborator = "Bonsack, Hans Ernst" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
jump to filter-options3 Results for Author / Collaborator = "Bonsack, Hans Ernst" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
- Kiernander, Johann Zacharias ; Hüttemann, Georg Heinrich Conrad ; Habakuk ; Bonsack, Hans ErnstCuddalore, 01.01.1755-27.12.1755AFSt/M 2 L 10
- Kiernander, Johann Zacharias ; Obuch, Gottfried Wilhelm ; Wiedebrock, Johann Christian ; Zeglin, Daniel ; Isaac ; Bonsack, Hans Ernst ; RangappenCuddalore, 01.01.1745-28.12.1745AFSt/M 2 L 4 : 2