7 Results for Keyword = "Aufstand" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
jump to filter-options7 Results for Keyword = "Aufstand" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
- Dal, Nikolaus ; Francke, Gotthilf August ; Obuch, Gottfried Wilhelm ; Wiedebrock, Johann ChristianTarangambadi, 01.01.1741-29.01.1741AFSt/M 1 B 28 : 41
- Schwartz, Christian Friedrich ; Wallajah, Muhammad AliTiruchirapalli, 01.1765-12.1765AFSt/M 2 E 17 : 1
- Klein, Jacob ; Pohle, Christian ; Kohlhoff, Johann Caspar ; Wallajah, Muhammad Ali ; Pagode <Madurai>Tarangambadi, 1778AFSt/M 2 E 20 : 5