8 Results for Keyword = "Buchbestellung" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
jump to filter-options8 Results for Keyword = "Buchbestellung" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
- Elers, Heinrich Julius ; Francke, August Hermann ; Steinbart, Sigismund ; Canstein, Carl Hildebrand von ; Orban, Stephan ; Johann David Zunner <II., Erben>Leipzig, 04.10.1716AFSt/H A 169 : 80
- Transcription availableTranscription availableBoltzius, Johann Martin ; Albin, Samuel Theodor ; Münch, Christian vonEbenezer, Ga., 20.09.1753AFSt/M 4 C 8 : 26
- Transcription availableTranscription availableFrancke, August Hermann ; Funcke, Johann Caspar ; Sammlungsstift <Ulm> ; Evangelisches Ministerium <Ulm>Ulm, 30.12.1717-05.01.1718AFSt/H A 170a : 12