9 Results for Keyword = "Chidambaram" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
jump to filter-options9 Results for Keyword = "Chidambaram" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
- In: Books of the Temple in Chidambaram.Tarangambadi, 1730AFSt/P TAM 80 Bl. 1-118
- In: Books of the Temple in Chidambaram.Tarangambadi, 1730AFSt/P TAM 80 Bl. 119-195
- Sartorius, Johann Anton ; Hubbard, James ; AaronMadras, 09.12.1733-29.01.1734AFSt/M 2 H 5 : 6
- Hüttemann, Georg Heinrich Conrad ; Gericke, Christian Wilhelm ; Isaac ; Habakuk ; Hüttemann, Gracy DorotheaCuddalore, 01.01.1768-27.12.1768AFSt/M 2 L 14
- Geister, Johann Ernst ; Kiernander, Johann Zacharias ; AaronCuddalore, 03.01.1742-27.12.1742AFSt/M 2 L 2 : 2
- Kiernander, Johann Zacharias ; Hüttemann, Georg Heinrich Conrad ; Habakuk ; Bonsack, Hans ErnstCuddalore, 01.01.1755-27.12.1755AFSt/M 2 L 10
- Kiernander, Johann Zacharias ; Breithaupt, Johann Christian ; Boscawen ; Breithaupt, Johann ChristianCuddalore, 01.01.1749-19.08.1749; 21.08.1749AFSt/M 2 L 6 : 1