12 Results for Keyword = "Ehebruch" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
jump to filter-options12 Results for Keyword = "Ehebruch" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
- Bovenhausen, Sophia Elisabeth ; Francke, August HermannHalle (Saale), [um 1715]AFSt/H C 278 : 15
- Pohle, ChristianTiruchirapalli, 24.10.1780-12.1780AFSt/M 2 E 18 : 3
- Gericke, Christian Wilhelm ; Female Asylum <Vepery>Vepery, 01.01.1797-31.12.1797AFSt/M 2 E 19 : 11b
- Pohle, Christian ; Gericke, Christian Wilhelm ; Njana-Ajundam ; NjanapragahamTiruchirapalli, 01.01.1801-27.12.1801AFSt/M 2 E 18 : 20
- Gericke, Christian Wilhelm ; Female Asylum <Vepery>Vepery, 01.01.1797-31.12.1797AFSt/M 2 E 19 : 11a
- Weygand, Johann Albert ; Pickel, Balthasar ; Muhlenberg, Henry Melchior ; Weygand, DorotheaRaritan, NJ, 22.09.1748-30.12.1749AFSt/M 4 H 6
- Osswald, Johann BenjaminWeimar, 01.04.1724 und 10.04.1724AFSt/H A 178 : 64
- Dal, Nikolaus ; Henrique, AntonioTarangambadi, 05.06.1734-25.12.1734AFSt/M 2 E 46 : 35