4 Results for Keyword = "Epilepsie" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
jump to filter-options4 Results for Keyword = "Epilepsie" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
- Mathesgesang, Anna Catharina ; Fuchs, Walter ; Lachmund, Christian ; Lachmund, Catharina ; Hoßfeld, Adam ; Hoßfeld, CatharinaSchweina, [1722]AFSt/H C 585 : 23
- Wiedebrock, Johann Christian ; Kohlhoff, Johann Balthasar ; Zeglin, Daniel ; Maderup, Oluf ; Klein, Jacob ; Dame, Peter ; Rayanayakkan ; AmbrosTarangambadi, 01.01.1765-29.06.1765AFSt/M 2 D 42 : 1a