12 Results for Keyword = "Genesung" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
jump to filter-options12 Results for Keyword = "Genesung" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
- Matthaeus ; Walther, Christoph Theodosius ; Kohlhoff, Johann Balthasar ; Arulappen ; Johannes ; Christian ; Klein, Johann GottfriedTarangambadi, [1800]AFSt/M 2 C 14 : 21
- Riemann, Peter ; Francke, Gotthilf August ; Bader, HeinrichPotsdam, 05.11.1730AFSt/H C 832 : 28
- John, Christoph Samuel ; Martini, Johann David ; Martini ; DewaiTarangambadi, [31.12.1791]AFSt/M 2 B 9 : 9
- Osswald, Johann Benjamin ; Hillinger, Johann Gottlieb ; Böhme, JakobWeimar, 21.02.1723-22.02.1723AFSt/H A 177 : 17