6 Results for Keyword = "Koran" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
jump to filter-options6 Results for Keyword = "Koran" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
- Obuch, Gottfried Wilhelm ; Kohlhoff, Johann BalthasarNagapattinam, 17.02.1744-02.03.1744AFSt/M 2 D 21 : 7
- Geister, Johann Ernst ; Kiernander, Johann Zacharias ; Hubbard, James ; MuhammadCuddalore, 18.01.1741-28.12.1741AFSt/M 2 L 2 : 1
- Dal, Nikolaus ; Bosse, Martin ; Pressier, Christian Friedrich ; Walther, Christoph Theodosius ; Nicolai, Valerius ; RayanayakkanTarangambadi, 01.07.1735-29.12.1735AFSt/M 2 D 12 : 2
- Dal, Nikolaus ; Bosse, Martin ; Pressier, Christian Friedrich ; Walther, Christoph Theodosius ; Nicolai, Valerius ; RayanayakkanTarangambadi, 01.07.1735-29.12.1735AFSt/M 2 D 12 : 2a