8 Results for Keyword = "Palast" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
jump to filter-options8 Results for Keyword = "Palast" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
- Gericke, Christian Wilhelm ; Clarke, Abraham Thomas ; Tippu Sultan ; MierzaduckVepery, 02.06.1802-24.12.1802AFSt/M 2 E 19 : 15b
- Gericke, Christian Wilhelm ; Clarke, Abraham Thomas ; Tippu Sultan ; MierzaduckVepery, 11.07.[1802]-24.12.[1802]AFSt/M 2 F 3 : 15
- Rottler, John Peter ; Dame, Peter ; Schwartz, Christian FriedrichTarangambadi, 09.10.1793-10.12.1793AFSt/M 2 E 22 : 8b
- Rottler, John Peter ; Dame, Peter ; Schwartz, Christian FriedrichTarangambadi, 09.10.1793-10.12.1793AFSt/M 2 E 24 : 6b
- John, Christoph Samuel ; Schwartz, Christian FriedrichTarangambadi, 04.1792AFSt/M 2 E 36 : 1