13 Results for Keyword = "Psalmen" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
jump to filter-options13 Results for Keyword = "Psalmen" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
- Transcription availableTranscription availableBergmann, Johann Ernst ; Fabricius, Sebastian Andreas ; Probst, Johann Gotthilf ; Dathe, Johann AugustEbenezer, Ga., 20.05.1788AFSt/M 1 C 30a : 55
- Lüders, Justus ; Clauder, IsraelHalberstadt, 18.08.1708AFSt/H D 88 Bl. 400-402
- Walther, Christoph TheodosiusKopenhagen, 15.10.1739-23.05.1740AFSt/M 2 E 21 : 4
- Walther, Christoph TheodosiusKopenhagen, 15.10.1739-23.05.1740AFSt/M 2 E 21 : 5