5 Results for Keyword = "Sekte" and Collection = 6. Epistolary
jump to filter-options5 Results for Keyword = "Sekte" and Collection = 6. Epistolary
- Francke, August Hermann ; Majer, Johann Christoph ; Buttlar, Eva Margaretha vonHalle (Saale), 25.02.1706Sup. ep. 90 : 244-247
- Crisenius, Daniel ; Francke, August Hermann ; Zinzendorf, Nikolaus Ludwig vonWittenberg, 04.01.1717R.20.A.8.b. Nr. 17
- Petersen, Johann Wilhelm ; Francke, August Hermann ; Dittmar, JohannNiederndodeleben, 29.03.1703Rep. 27 Nr. 1159