82 Results for Place = "Jena" and Collection = 8. Francke’s Private Library
jump to filter-options82 Results for Place = "Jena" and Collection = 8. Francke’s Private Library
- Pfanner, Tobias ; Mauritius Guilielmus <Saxonia, Dux>Frankfurt; Leipzig; Jena : Kayser; Ehrich, 1698
- Paleario, Aonio ; Hallbauer, Friedrich AndreasJena : Buch, 1728
- Walch, Johann Georg ; Buddeus, Johann Franz ; Wolff, Christian von2. Aufl., Jena : Meyer, 1725
- Walch, Johann Georg ; Buddeus, Johann Franz ; Wolff, Christian vonJena : Meyer, 1724
- Goldschadt, Christian Friedrich ; Stolle, GottliebLeipzig; Langensalza; Jena : Martini; Werther, 1737
- Seidel, Christoph MatthäusJena : Bielcke, 1694
- Cellarius, Christoph ; Rechenberg, Adam3. Aufl., Jena : Bielcke; Werther, 1700
- [Fischer, Johann] ; Alberti, Valentin ; Angelus <Silesius>3. Aufl., Jena : Cröker, 1713
- Günther, CyriakusJena : Bielcke; Krebs, 1701 - 1708
- Frohne, Johann AdolphFrankfurt; Leipzig; Jena : Cröker, 1707
- Buddeus, Johann FranzJena : Bielcke, 1708
- Luther, Martin ; Rambach, Johann Jakob (Ed.)Jena : Ritter, [1727-31]
- Luther, Martin ; Cramer, Johann Christoph (Ed.)Jena : Müller, 1719
- Luther, Martin ; Rambach, Johann Jakob (Ed.)Jena : Ritter, 1721
- Musaeus, JohannesJena : Bielcke, 1677
- Desmarets de Saint-Sorlin, JeanJena : Meyer, 1726