Ego and Life Documents of the Early Modern Period from the Archives of the Francke Foundations
The archives of the Francke Foundations contain around 1,500 autobiographical documents and about 460 biographical documents from the early modern period that have been preserved since the end of the 17th century at the Halle Orphanage, in the context of the established Pietism, the most important Protestant reform movement since the Reformation. These are, on the one hand, ego documents of August Hermann Francke, the founder of the Halle Orphanage, his staff and other contact persons, and, on the other hand, self testimonies that were created in the context of the missionary work of the Halle Orphanage in India (so-called Danish-Halle Mission) and the establishment of Lutheran congregations in North America. Among the biographical sources, thanatographies, so-called Last Hours, which were written during the heyday of Halle Pietism in the first third of the 18th century, predominate.
As part of the project sponsored by the German Research Foundation (duration: 01.04.2018-31.03.2021), in the first three-year phase of the project, approximately 1,500 ego documents in the archives of the Francke Foundations were catalogued, digitised, and autobiographies, curricula vitae and writing calendars were transcribed and published in the digital collections of the August Hermann Francke Study Centre.
In addition to the ego documents, the second, ten-month project phase will digitise, index and in part also transcribe around 460 biographical sources, primarily curricula vitae and thanatographies, from the period between 1690 and 1813.
The technical basis of the Francke portal is the Visual Library software platform of the following companies
semantics GmbH and
Walter Nagel GmbH & Co. KG.
The ego documents are made available in the Manuscripts/Autographs Collection of the Digital Collections of the August Hermann Francke Study Centre. The classification Ego/life documents allows the search to be more specific. You can search for documents using keywords or a detailed search, narrow down your hits by facets or use lists and clouds to make search queries. The autobiographical writings of August Hermann Francke can still be found in the Diaries/Ego documents subcollection of the Francke Portal.
Ego and life documents with Transcriptions
A number of ego documents were transcribed in the course of the project. The transcribed ego documents can be accessed via the facet Transcriptions.
Your opinion is important to us
If you have any suggestions for improving or expanding the "Ego and life documents" collection, please contact Dr. Britta Klosterberg, Director of the August Hermann Francke Study Centre.
If you need help with your search queries or if you discover errors in the indexing of documents, please contact Dr. Jürgen Gröschl.
Franckesche Stiftungen
Studienzentrum August Hermann Francke
- Archiv und Bibliothek –
Franckeplatz 1, Haus 22-24
06110 Halle
Tel.: 0049-(0)345-2127412