Welcome to the Digital Collections of the August Hermann Francke Study Centre

The Archive and Library of the Francke Foundations together comprise the August Hermann Francke Study Centre. It houses extensive historical holdings for the study of the early modern period, particularly in the context of Pietism and the Early Enlightenment. A selected part of these sources can be digitally accessed in the following six fields:

Early Printed Books
Books Directories
Publications about the Danish-Halle Mission
The Francke Portal
Halle Reports
Manuscripts / Autographs

Early modern ego documents and biographical documents from the archives of the Francke Foundations are available in the collection manuscripts / autographs. The classification "Ego/life documents" can be used to limit the search to these documents.

In the bio-bibliographical index you will find biographies of persons from the period between 1400 and 1880. The titles from the archival collections are assigned to them. The sub-collections journals / ego-documents, journal inserts, epistolary and manuscripts / autographs each also have a separate index of persons.

Research in the Library’s Portrait Catalogue is possible in a separate database.


  • Search for documents by applying keywords across all modules!
  • Carry out an advanced search for a targeted subject within each module.
  • Browse through the individual collections and specify your results by means of the facets!
  • Utilise the search options for Lists and Clouds!
  • Search across collections or in archival collections for biographies and assigned titles!

Your opinion is important to us

Anyone having suggestions for improving or expanding our Digital Collections, please contact Dr. Thomas Grunewald, head of the August Hermann Francke Study Centre.
If you need any assistance with your search requests, or come across errors of a bibliographical or technical nature, please contact Dr. Jürgen Gröschl.

The technical basis of the August Hermann Francke Study Centre’s Digital Collections is provided by the software platform Visual Library of the companies semantics GmbH and Walter Nagel GmbH & Co. KG.

Please contact

Francke Foundations
August Hermann Francke Study Centre
- Archive and Library -
Francke 1, House 22-24
D-06110 Halle
Tel.: 0049-(0)345-2127412