7 Results for Keyword = "Konfirmandenunterricht" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
jump to filter-options7 Results for Keyword = "Konfirmandenunterricht" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
- Krug, Johann AndreasReading <Pa.>, 08.08.1764-10.11.1765AFSt/M 4 C 13 : 7
- Kurtz, Johann Nicolaus ; Wildbahn, Carl Friedrich ; Kurtz, Johann Wilhelmo.O., 25.06.1772-09.07.1772AFSt/M 4 C 16 : 27
- Muhlenberg, Henry ; Muhlenberg, Henry Melchior ; Mühlenberg, Friedrich AugustOldwick, NJ, 01.01.1774-06.02.1774AFSt/M 4 C 18 : 11