2130 Results for Author / Collaborator = "Francke, August Hermann" and Collection = 4. Bibliography of Publications
jump to filter-options2130 Results for Author / Collaborator = "Francke, August Hermann" and Collection = 4. Bibliography of Publications
- Francke, August Hermann ; Jaques, William (Ed.)Third edition, London : Hatchard, J., 1819
- Francke, August Hermann ; Jaques, William (Ed.)First American, from the last London edition, Philadelphia : Hogan, David, 1823
- Francke, August Hermann ; Jaques, William (Ed.)Second edition, London : Burton and Briggs, 1815
- [Francke, August Hermann]London : Downing, Joseph, 1731
- [Francke, August Hermann][2. Aufl.], London : Downing, Joseph, 1732
- Francke, August Hermann ; Böhme, Anton Wilhelm ; Böhme, Anton WilhelmLondon : Downing, Joseph ; London : Downing, Joseph, 1708
- Francke, August Hermann ; Kühn, Johann Gottfried1739
- Francke, August HermannS.l. : S.n., 1723
- Francke, August HermannS.l. : S.n., 1716
- Francke, August Hermann ; Kramer, Gustav (Ed.) ; Mann, Friedrich (Ed.)[1.Aufl.], Langensalza : Beyer, Hermann, 1876
- Francke, August Hermann ; Kramer, Gustav (Ed.)Neudruck der 2.Ausg.von 1885, Osnabrück : Biblio-Verl., 1966
- Francke, August Hermann ; Kramer, Gustav (Ed.) ; Mann, Friedrich (Ed.)2.,durchges.u.vervollst.Ausg., Langensalza : Beyer, Hermann, 1885
- Francke, August Hermann ; Richter, Karl ; Richter, Karl2.,durchges.u.verm.Aufl., Leipzig : Siegismund & Volkening, [1888]
- Francke, August Hermann ; Richter, KarlBerlin : Klönne, Julius, 1871
- Francke, August Hermann ; Richter, KarlLeipzig : Siegismund & Volkening, 1872
- Francke, August HermannLeipzig : Hesse, Max, [1888]
- Francke, August Hermann ; Richter, KarlLeipzig : Siegismund & Volkening, [um 1874]