7. Secondary Literature
Research literature on August Hermann Francke’ life and work as well as on Halle Pietism from the end of the 18th century on is made available in this database. The category "work" not only addresses Francke's writings and his contemporary work, but also the institutions he established in Glaucha, the present Francke Foundations.
The bibliographical references base on the "Bibliography of literature about August Hermann Francke, the history of the Francke Foundations (up to 1760) and Halle Pietism", compiled at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Pietism Studies during the 1990s but thus far unpublished, which mainly lists earlier literature on Francke and research literature from 1800 to 1997. Another base for the biblographical references are the relevant titles noted by the Pietismus und Neuzeit yearbook published by the Historical Commission for the Study of Pietism and edited at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Pietism Studies.
Requesting your cooperation
Anyone having information on secondary literature not included in the database, please notify the librarian, Anke Mies.