A Help to a national reformation containing an abstract of the Penal Laws against Prophaneness and Vice, Lond. 706 E. B
Category in the Auction Catalogue
Libri Peregrini Idiomatis (Bücher in fremden Sprachen) 8°273, S. 179
A help to a national reformation : Containing an abstract of the penal-laws against prophaneness and vice. A form of the warrants issued out upon offenders against the said laws. Directions to Inferior Officers in the Execution of their Office. Prudential Rules for the giving of Informations to the Magistrates in these Cases. A Specimen of an Agreement for the Forming of a Society for Reformation of Manners in any City, Town, or larger Village of the Kingdom. And Her Majesty's Proclamation for Preventing and Punishing Immorality and Prophaneness; and the late Act of Parliament against prophane Swearing and Cursing. To which is added, an account of the progress of the reformation of manners in England an Ireland, and other parts of the World. With Reasons and Directions for our Engaging in this Glorious Work. And the special obligations of magistrates To be diligent in the Execution of the Penal-Laws against Prophaneness and Debauchery, for the Effecting of a National Reformation. AS Also, Some Considerations offered to such unhappy Persons as are guilty of prophane Swearing and Cursing, Drunkenness, and Uncleanness, and are not past Counsel
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