30 Alltagsgespräche in Englisch und Telugu mit Transliteration zur Erlernung des Telugu mit folgenden Titeln: Dialogue 1: Between one Gentleman, that has been a good while ago in this country and the other, that came newly hither, meeting one a nother. Dialogue 2: The same two Gentlemen take a Walk abroad and view everywhere the Town. Dialogue 3: The Master talkes with his Tupass about procuring of a Palaquin. Dialogue 4: Between a Master and his Tupass about a Banket. Dialogue 5: The Master talkes with his Boy. Dialogue 6: The Master talkes with the Cook. Dialogue 7: Between the Mistress and the Cook. Dialogue 8: Between a Mistress and the house-maid servant. Dialogue 9: Between a Mistress and the Taylor. Dialogue 10: A Mistress talkes with a Merchant. Dialogue 11: A Mistress talkes with a Lawndress. Dialogue 12: Between a Master & his Tupass about the buying of Paddy. Dialogue 13: Between a Lady and a Gardener. Dialogue 14: A Mistress shews the house wench her Business. Dialogue 15: The Master talkes with the Cook and orders what he desires to eat every day in the Week. Dialogue 16: The Mistress calls for the shopkeeper and talkes with him about Spices. Dialogue 17: A Gentlemen talkes with a Jeweller about Diamonds. Dialogue 18: The Master talkes with the Tupass about the ordinary sort of coins in this Country. Dialogue 19: A Gentleman talkes with a Gentou-man about their Wedding feast. Dialogue 20: A Gentleman observes a great number of beggers in the street and askes his Tupass the matter thereof. Dialogue 21: The Tupass manifestes to the Mistress the Cooks roguery. Dialogue 22: The Cook discovers to his Master some triks of the Tupass. Dialogue 23: A Christian Gentleman calls on Sunday all his family together and catechizes them. Dialogue 24: Two Gontou-men are reasoning one with the other about the loading of Europe ships. Dialogue 25: Two Gentou-men talke together about their own king and Princes behaviour. Dialogue 26: A suit at Law in the Majors Court before the Judge between a Demandant and his Debtor. Dialogue 27: The Master takes a Walk on foot in the suburbs of the black town and talkes in the way with his boy about the burring of this Country people. Dialogue 28: Two Sea-faring Brothers do encounter one with the other at unawares on the Sea-shore to Madras. Dialogue 29: The two brothers, Peter and John are discoursing about food and the kind of Victuals in the East-Indies. Dialogue 30: These two Gentlemens Sister arrives as a Bride, is conveyed in the Town with Pomp and askes many questions about the women in the East-Indies. Die Dialoge 28 bis 30 liegen nur in der englischsprachigen Fassung vor.