114 Results for Author / Collaborator = "Kohlhoff, Johann Balthasar" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
jump to filter-options114 Results for Author / Collaborator = "Kohlhoff, Johann Balthasar" and Collection = Manuscripts / Autographs
- Matthaeus ; Walther, Christoph Theodosius ; Kohlhoff, Johann Balthasar ; Arulappen ; Johannes ; Christian ; Klein, Johann GottfriedTarangambadi, [1800]AFSt/M 2 C 14 : 21
- Kohlhoff, Margaretha Wilhelmina ; Wiger, Andreas ; Wiger, Anna Sybilla ; Brochmann, Burchard ; Clementin, Jacob ; Kohlhoff, Johann BalthasarTarangambadi, 1751AFSt/M 1 B 41 : 13
- Kohlhoff, Johann Balthasar ; Aaron ; Niekamp, Johann Lucas ; Obuch, Gottfried WilhelmTarangambadi, 25.01.1743AFSt/M 1 B 31 : 29
- Obuch, Gottfried Wilhelm ; Kohlhoff, Johann BalthasarNagapattinam, 17.02.1744-02.03.1744AFSt/M 2 D 21 : 7
- Wiedebrock, Johann Christian ; Obuch, Gottfried Wilhelm ; Kohlhoff, Johann BalthasarTarangambadi, 28.02.1737-05.09.1737AFSt/M 2 D 14 : 3
- Obuch, Gottfried Wilhelm ; Wiedebrock, Johann Christian ; Kohlhoff, Johann BalthasarLondon, 12.11.1736-13.12.1736AFSt/M 2 E 40 : 2